Session: #121

Theme & Session Format

Interpreting the archaeological record: artefacts, humans and landscapes
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Current Research and the Development of National Post-medieval Archaeologies over the Last 25 Years
Post-medieval archaeology is unevenly developed across Europe, with differential recognition, access to resources, and legislative support. Nevertheless, the trend is for greater recognition of historical archaeology with universities, museums, and government agencies increasing their commitment to the heritage of the recent past. Current socio-political shifts highlight the tensions between nationalism and regionalism, colonialism and post-colonialism, industrialisation and post-industrialisation, and reactions for and against globalisation. These are all tensions which post-medieval archaeologists study with a unique material time depth, and case studies will examine how individuals or communities operated within these larger parameters and the ways in which they contributed to or limited these trends through their actions. This session, sponsored by the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology, will allow these issues to be discussed as national experiences within a European context, and will celebrate the continuing increased appreciation of the archaeology of the last half millennium. The papers will be relevant to the Berne theme of ‘EAA 25’ by examining how current projects sit within the historiography of the archaeology of recent times in the relevant countries and regions, whilst celebrating best practice within the presenters’ contemporary heritage politics.
Post-medieval, Historiography, Historical
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:
Society for Post-medieval Archaeology


Main organiser:
Harold Mytum (United Kingdom) 1,2
Eve Campbell (Ireland) 3
Jonas Nordin (Sweden) 4
1. University of Liverpool, UK
2. Society for Post-medieval Archaeology
3. Achill Archaeological Field School
4. Swedish History Museum