EAA2020: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #350:

Title & Content

Saving data in the Czech Republic? Where we are and what to expect
The archiving of digital data was until recently a largely overlooked topic in the Czech Republic. The establishment of a specialized archaeological digital infrastructure, the Archaeological Information System of the CR (AIS CR; http://www.aiscr.cz/), provided a new impetus in 2016. Overall, this has channelled the flow of data in Czech archaeology but has not yet expanded the spectrum of information that is stored in principle. The scope of the infrastructure is limited to some extent by legal standards, as the obligation to permanently retain the results of field investigations is defined in very vague terms. As a result, most primary data remains unknown, usually on completely substandard storage sites and not backed up. While a substantial part of the documentation is included in the centrally registered excavation reports, it is not available in its best-use raw form. A complete paradigm shift is inevitable unless we are to lose decades of primary results from archaeological research. Poster describes the current situation and presents both the steps that are taken and needed in the future to adequately protect primary data. It is clear that general initiatives such as FAIR Data or EOSC will play an important role throughout the process, changing data policy from the top, as well as international disciplinary projects (SEADDA, ARIADNEplus) that help to set good practice within the community. But implementation will require a proactive approach by individual states and institutions.
digital archiving, research infrastructures, primary data, best practice, FAIR Data


Main authors:
David Novak1
Olga Lečbychová2
1 Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Prague
2 Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Brno