EAA2020: Session #211

30 Aug 09:00 - 16:00

Title & Content

Truly Interdisciplinary Science! Ceramic, Metal, Glass, and Stone Provenancing Studies as Tools to Understand the Archaeology of Trade and Exchange
This session will consider the contribution that interdisciplinary Heritage Science applications (e.g. preferably non-invasive X-ray, electron, ion beam, and neutron methods), are making to archaeological narratives of production, trade, and exchange of goods. We welcome studies that seek to characterise material resources such as ore deposits, and to define the geographical provenance of raw materials, and of excavated artefacts.
There are huge databases, collected from the 1960s onward, of neutron activation analyses and X-ray fluorescence and other elemental spectroscopic analyses of metal artefacts (Bronze Age European material in particular), archaeological ceramics, glass, stone, and obsidian. In the past twenty years, databases have been built up of isotopic analyses, in particular lead isotope analysis, of metal ores and artefacts, and glass as well. How far have these large data-sets been used to broaden our understanding of the processes and motivations of early production, trade and exchange? In this session, we would like to highlight the importance of scientific studies in archaeology to add new information and to develop new narratives.
We invite contributions that address issues, theories, new analytical methods, and applications relating to scientific provenancing of archaeological materials.
* Which method or combination of methods works best for which material and/or archaeological period? And what are the limitations for particular methods applied to various materials?
* Are databases readily accessible and comparable, and are researchers successfully provenancing artefacts?
* How are archaeologists integrating new scientific methods and data into their interpretations and narratives?
* Are innovative methods leading to new insights that challenge existing paradigms in archaeology?
* How can researchers access Heritage Science research infrastructures, especially at large-scale facilities?
We also invite presentations on insights that provenance studies provide into understanding technological changes in any past society world-wide, and on understanding of material culture through social-economic relationships.
Provenance, Heritage Science, Inorganic materials, Trade and exchange, Isotopes


Main organisers:
Evelyne Godfrey1
Ineke Joosten2
Heide Nørgaard3
Zsolt Kasztovszky4
1 Uffington Heritage Watch
2 Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency
3 Aarhus University
4 Centre for Energy Research


These abstracts are part of this session:
New insights into EBA - MBA copper production in Eastern Serbia - The smelting sites of Trnjane, Ružana, Čoka Nijca
Metalwork exchange in early Italy: An interdisciplinary investigation
Copper isotope fractionation during prehistoric copper smelting: evidence from archaeological smelting experiments
Copper mining in lower Austria: the case of Prigglitz
Super Regional Contacts and the earliest metallurgy in early Neolithic Funnel Beaker society in South Scandinavia.
Provenancing ceramics by heavy mineral investigations and role of the micromineralogical collection of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Provenance study of polished and ground stone artefacts in the Carpathian Basin and its surrounding from an archaeological perspective
Vholynian flint as a key for defining Prehistoric routs of exchange
The provenance of cinnabar pigments from Roman Ephesus.
A deviant group of Carolingian/Ottonian period disc brooches from The Netherlands, explored using non-destructive pXRF
Obsidian artefacts from the pre-Columbian site of Nakum (Petén, Guatemala). Provenience, processing and function – results of preliminary analysis
Discovering new tendencies in the Nordic Bronze Age based on large-scale metal provenance analysis, 2100-1300 BC
Provenancing metal and glass in the Iron Age. How to scientifically approach “complex economy”?
Iron from the Netherlands: can we provenance early historical Dutch iron using slag inclusion chemistry?
Neutron techniques and the analysis of arms and armour
Participation of the Budapest Neutron Centre in the European Heritage Science projects
Application of CFE-SEM-EDX and Optical Microscopy to Neolithic Siliceous Tools from Șoimuș-Teleghi Site (Hunedoara County, Romania)
Application of neutron-based methods in provenance research of lithic archaeological material
Preliminary report of the analyses of the garnet jewellery from the finds in Bohemia from the Migration Period