EAA2020: Session #464

26 Aug 14:00 - 17:30

Title & Content

Traum - Tracing Reality in Archaeology Using Machine Learning
There has been much hype on the use of applicability of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, its fundamental use is to extract complex patterns which humans do no necessarily see. These methods, especially when multiple are stacked, provide the possibility to highlight patterns previously unknown to the observer. Multi-model approaches, predominantly used in finance and to provide consumers with personalised suggestions are especially powerful in large and fuzzy datasets and in combination with an expert’s opinion reduce the amount of theory based assumptions and approximations within a model.
Whilst providing explanatory insights and subtle new ideas their current framework has to be re-evaluated to harness their power for research in the fields of humanities. Their potential, especially in archaeological research is tremendous and has been explored, e.g. to re-assemble 3D pottery shreds into an object, visual recognition of script or coins, and other object based approaches.
In our session we aim to discuss how ML and AI model outcomes can be used to negotiate different narratives of the past and how to design a framework, to ensure reproducible and documented research. We particularly welcome theoretical and methodical papers as well as case studies.
social theory, artificial intelligence, methodology


Main organisers:
Chiara Girotto1
Henry Price2
1 Goethe University Frankfurt
2 Imperial College London


These abstracts are part of this session: