Session: #164

Theme & Session Format

3. Sustainable archaeology and heritage in an unsustainable world
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

CANCELLED Are we Really Strategic? Devising and Implementing Archaeological Strategies
Archaeologists are no strangers to devising strategies. Research frameworks, historic environment plans, organisational documents and planning for heritage areas all include elements of strategy. Yet, as a discipline we rarely discuss what has worked or the degree to which we think on a strategic level as opposed to routine operations.
In devising strategies there are a number of approaches including stakeholder mapping and consultation, a reflection of the benefits of greater participation and access to heritage, the economic opportunities provided by archaeology, as well as emphases on skills and learning. Research Frameworks ensure that important questions are addressed and that we look to the bigger picture. Such approaches are underpinned by surveys demonstrating how the public relates to archaeology as well as by forecasting exercises and horizon scanning practices. Yet are there other equally valid approaches to devising archaeological strategies?
An additional ingredient of strategy is how to deliver it sustainably. What has worked to ensure that the efforts that have gone into strategy formation are matched by implementation? Traditional approaches to delivering on strategy include leadership, lobbying, quick wins, and the involvement of stakeholders. Equally how good are we as a profession in evaluating progress or otherwise in a plan of strategy?
This session builds upon ongoing collaboration between Ireland and Scotland in the devising and delivery of strategies for archaeology and the work which Northern Ireland is currently undertaking to consider the strategic way forward for its archaeology sector. We would like to broaden the frame of reference to other countries and organisations at various stages in the strategy cycle. These issues are of growing importance as typically the historic environment sector faces low levels of resources, fluctuations in economic conditions and the challenge of climate change means we need to share learning on strategic practice.
archaeological strategy, sustainably, climate change, policy
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Ian Doyle (Ireland) 1,2
Kevin Grant (United Kingdom) 3
Rhonda Robinson (United Kingdom) 4
1. The Heritage Council of Ireland
2. Royal Irish Academy Standing Committee on Archaeology
3. Historic Environment Scotland
4. Historic Environment Division, Northern Ireland Department for Communities