Session: #175

Theme & Session Format

5. Theories and methods in archaeology: interactions between disciplines
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

From Skyscape to Archaeology. A Dynamic Interaction between Disciplines
The study of landscapes and skyscape from archaeological contexts may include many disciplines which range from archaeological excavation to astronomical research: Archaeology, Astronomy, Geography and History. Each of these areas of study has a part to play in the understanding of an archaeological context. Therefore some of the questions that the papers for this session should address and by evaluating archaeological sites with the above criteria are:
Would our understanding of how peoples lived in their environment be improved by interaction with landscape observation and study, astronomy or any other aspect from an archaeological site? Would we be able to understand their culture and rituals in more depth? How do the study of astronomy and the landscape help us add a new dimension to our archaeological work? How does technology and new techniques enable us to understand the known data?
Only through the examination of the complete areas of study can we understand how people interacted with their landscape and perhaps enable us to understand their culture and rituals in more depth.
These topics will be addressed with the contributions of experts working in various fields: Animated landscapes, archaeology, anthropology, astronomy, ethno history, geography, planning, filming, photography and history.
The objective of the session is to achieve the presentation of archaeological works with multidisciplinary contributions, in which archaeological research is complemented with the contribution of other sciences or study methods in the aforementioned areas.
Skyscape, Landscape, Archaeology, Astronomy, Ethnography, Geography
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Jose Nicolas Balbi (Argentina) 1,2
Stanislaw Iwaniszewski (Poland) 3
Hans Martz de la Vega (Mexico) 4
1. Secretaría de Cultura y Educación, Buenos Aires, (Argentina)
2. Colchester Archaeological Group (UK)
3. State Museum of Atrchaeology, Warsow, (Poland)
4. Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Mexico)