Session: #325

Theme & Session Format

3. Sustainable archaeology and heritage in an unsustainable world
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Disseminating and Curating Non-Visible Archaeological Sites and Significant Cultural Landscapes through Innovative and Sustainable Ideas
On-site dissemination of archaeological results during excavation usually has very high public appeal. In contrast, exploiting the results and giving feedback to the public once the excavation is done presents a more challenging situation. Often the archaeological remains are either removed or practically non-visible due to modern urban structures or blurred by agrarian development, and no monuments remain to provide the framework for dissemination of the history of the site. Similarly, in the case of protected cultural landscapes, there can be a lack of physical landmarks or monuments to highlight its cultural context.
The session will focus on sustainable dissemination of non-visible archaeological sites and significant cultural landscapes by welcoming new ideas on how to meet this challenge. Submissions could focus on how to make the non-visible cultural heritage outside the museums visible by applying innovative communication approaches, collaborating with stakeholders, make outreach projects or facilitate local ownership to the cultural landscape and heritage.
We welcome papers that deals with the challenges of disseminating non-visible or lost archaeological sites, protected cultural landscapes, as well as historical events that no longer can be associated with visible or permanent monuments. We also welcome papers that deal with the above mentioned, while focusing on specific target groups i.e. children or young adults, and the singular didactic considerations therein.
On site-dissemination, Sustainable ideas, Non-visible heritage, Outreach, Local ownership, Target groups
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Mads Runge (Denmark) 1
Christina Toreld (Sweden) 2
Nicolai Knudsen (Denmark) 3
Line Lundø (Denmark) 1
1. Odense City Museums
2. Museum of Bohuslän
3. Museums of Eastern Funen