EAA2021: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #463:

Title & Content

Trypol on Dneeper: castle, palace, fortified palace, fortress, town: and what it really was
Known from as a city from XIth century, from 1501 this place with area around became property of Fedor Detkovich. For more than a hundred years, Trypol and the castle in it became the residence of family. In 1551 this family became so rich that they built a real masonry castle in the city. The foundations of the castle, erected on the top of the hill, were built of stone, and the upper part of the brick. The castle had towers, one of them was crowned with a dome. Massonry fortification was complemented by an earthen rampart and ditch. The castle was armed with artillery. In documents and narratives described Trepol-Trypillia were used different terms for this fortified place: castle, fortress, palace, fortified palace, town. Using of terms depended on situation and time. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the words “castle” and “town” was used in military relations. In the descriptions travelers used terms a “palace” or a “fortified palace”. The ruins were later perceived as a “fortress”. Archaeological research allows us to combine these quite diverse concepts that actually apply to the same object. Together with the documents, they demonstrate the variety of functions he performed depending on the circumstances and context. Archaeological finds from the central part of the city testify to the wealth of its inhabitants. Trypol-Trypillia was combination of two structures: the medieval castle and the medieval city, both with one owner. The defense functions were of special importance due to their location in the border areas. This is also an interesting example of the existence of a typical European model of a castle so far in the East.
Trypol, castle, palace, fortifeid palace, fortress, town


Main authors:
Mariia Videiko1
Mykhailo Videiko1
1 Kyiv Borys Grinchenko University