EAA2021: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #505:

Title & Content

Methodological development of decontaminating osteological materials coated in animal glues for strontium isotopic analysis
The effects of diagenesis on the strontium isotopic values of osteological materials have been well documented, however, the effects of preservatives and adhesives have not. These are generally added in a museum-setting or during an archaeological excavation for stabilization. Thus allowing the material to either travel or be saved for future analysis. However, there is evidence that these practices may affect isotopic or DNA analysis, and whether or not they affect strontium isotopes has not been widely studied. Unfortunately, the exact adhesive and the methodology to create it was seldom documented, making it difficult to determine the appropriate method to remove it. This means that if the glue is not fully removed then the biogenic values of the bones may not be the portion analyzed but the glue itself! Additionally, depending on the isotopic values of the glue it might cross-link with the material, thus changing the biogenic values. Thus creating issues when trying to determine any mobility patterns in a population. For this reason, a multi-step study has been created to determine the effects of glues with known strontium values and if they can be removed with the decontamination methods set by the Stockholm University Laboratory.
strontium, contamination, methodological development, migration


Main authors:
Crista Adelle Wathen1
Sven Isaksson1
Kerstin Lidén1
1 Stockholms Universitet