EAA2021: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #495:

Title & Content

The European Route of Megalithic Culture: Strategies for a sustainable development for an international archaeological cooperation network
The European Route of Megalithic Culture (MR) serves as a cooperative platform for museums, Geoparks, scientists and tourism practitioners from Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. It was formed to raise the profile of the outstanding importance of the megalithic culture in European history and to promote the tourism value of its monuments and surrounding landscapes. The goal of the association is to link the megalithic monuments of Europe in a cultural route committed to the principles of sustainable tourism. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, a recent Executive Board-approved “Road Map” has established new strategies and concepts for the future focused on the following points:
- Definitions - Megaliths/Megalithism in the frame of MR
- Marketing advice
- Development of the Homepage, Social Media platforms
- Improving cooperation with tourism agencies and institutions
- Reaching the public: public seminars and promotion (primarily digital communication channels in 2021)
Our Homepage is the highest priority, as it is here that we can best communicate internally and externally. In addition, we aim to make it more informative while also simplifying it (using English and German only – adding other members languages later on). Short promotional videos will be distributed for use in the social media platforms of our members.
The “Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen”, where the author is the managing director, will be presented as an example of local development of the MR in post-pandemic circumstances. The park is a certified member of a group that is cooperating on sustainable development in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The regional tourism organization has been inspired by our sustainable tourism initiatives (e.g. bicycle tours, family and educational programmes etc., which fit well with the restrictions of Covid-19 management-conditions.
European Cultural Route, Megalithic sites, sustainable tourism, platform for cooperation


Main authors:
Rüdiger Kelm1
1 External Expert (Geography)