EAA2021: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #468:

Title & Content

Maternal lineages from 10-11th century commoner cemeteries of the Carpathian Basin
The conquer of the Carpathian Basin by the Hungarian tribes in the 9th century played a fundamental role in the history of Hungary, but the origin of the 10-11th century Hungarian people is still poorly understood. Based on the burial characteristics an elite social stratum can be discriminated from the major, commoner layer of the Conquer Period, but nothing is known about the genealogical relationship of these two groups. Genetic studies so far mostly concentrated on the investigation of the elite, therefore we set out to examine the genetic structure of the commoners, in order to be able to compare the two groups. We determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences of 202 remains, most of them belonged to the plebeian people of the 10-11th century Carpathian Basin. We detected considerable (12%) Asian phylogeographic ancestry among the investigated individuals, which was considerably smaller than that in the elite (30%). Population genetic analyses revealed significant differences between the two groups, and mapped the commoners to ancient European populations, while the elite was mapped much closer to Asian groups. However shared sub-haplogroups between the elite and commoner layers indicated admixture between them, which happened in both directions, but by the 11th century this was not yet enough for genetic equalization.
ancient DNA, population genetics, mitochondrial DNA, Hungarian conquest period


Main authors:
Kitti Maár1
Gergely I. B. Varga2
Bence Kovács2
Oszkár Schütz1
Balázs Tihanyi2,3
Zoltán Maróti4,2
István Nagy5,6
István Raskó7
Endre Neparáczki2,1
Tibor Török1,2
1 Department of Genetics; University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
2 Department of Archaeogenetics; Institute of Hungarian Research, Budapest, Hungary
3 Department of Biological Anthropology; University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
4 Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Health Center; University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
5 SeqOmics Biotechnology Ltd., Mórahalom, Hungary
6 Institute of Biochemistry; Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary
7 Institute of Genetics; Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary