EAA2021: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #505:

Title & Content

Investigating paleomobility patterns at the site of Amboina, Bonaire (Dutch Caribbean), through isotopic analysis
Due to its geographical diversity, the Caribbean region promotes interaction between the different groups of people inhabiting its islands and the neighboring mainland. Each of these regions has specific resources that are either unavailable or less available at other locations, requiring the movement of goods and people across space. The heterogeneity of resource availability activates people to engage with each other and move through the islandscape, creating extensive communications networks, especially during pre-colonial times. This paper takes an isotopic approach to investigate patterns of paleomobility amongst the pre-colonial population from the site of Amboina in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean. Samples of tooth enamel from eight individuals were analyzed for strontium isotope compositions. The results are evaluated based on existing strontium baseline, to determine whether the individuals were of local or nonlocal origin. A macro-regional database of bioavailable strontium isotopes is used to assess places of origin for the nonlocals to the island. In addition, associations between biological sex and age-at-death of the individuals will be attempted based on their place of origin. The burial practices encountered at the site were complex. This paper will explore possible associations between these practices and the origins of the individuals. Lastly, comparisons with other contemporary populations in the circum-Caribbean region will be presented, to establish commonalities in migration patterns and burial rituals.
Isotope Analysis, Paleomobility, Dutch Caribbean


Main authors:
Eleni Seferidou1
Jason E. Laffoon1
1 Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, Netherlands.