Session: #340

Theme & Session Format

1. Widening horizons through human-environment interconnections
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

IMPR - Phytoliths as a Proxy for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction
Worldwide, phytoliths are used as a proxy to identify changes in vegetation and environments through time. These changes may reflect ecological processes, climatic shifts and/or anthropogenic activities useful to understand the past of human societies and landscapes. Thanks to their resistance to degradation, phytoliths usually preserve well also where other kinds of organic remains are lacking. They can be found in very old deposits (up to 60 million of years), but also have been used to characterize modern ecosystems. Often phytolith studies are carried out in multiproxy palaeo-environmental investigations. For instance, being well representative of grassland ecosystems, they are complementary proxies to charcoal and pollen analyses, and are useful for the reconstruction of forest history.
The session “Phytoliths as a proxy for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction” invites contributions that use phytoliths for paleoecology, paleoclimatology, and paleobiogeography. According to different sets of archives, e.g. from lake sediments to soil sequences, phytolith studies that are carried out in natural settings and/or in relation with archaeological sites or cultural developments are welcome without any chronological and geographical restriction. Studies where the phytolith record is associated and compared to other palaeo-environmental proxies are also very welcome.
This session is part of the 12th International Meeting for Phytolith Research, or IMPR, the official scientific conference of the International Phytolith Society.
palaeoecology, phytolith analysis, palaeoenvironmental reconstruction, soils and sediments
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:
IPS - International Phytolith society / 12th IMPR - International Meeting for Phytolith Research


Main organiser:
ÁKOS PETO (Hungary) 1
Wiebke KIRLEIS (Germany) 2
1. Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences
2. Kiel University, Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology