Session: #453

Theme & Session Format

1. Widening horizons through human-environment interconnections
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Multidisciplinary Approaches to Environmental and Human Fingerprints of the Roman Period
The Roman Republic and Empire were a time of intense social and environmental transformations in vast areas of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. The huge impact on landscape and people’s lifestyle is therefore key to understanding both the subsequent environmental and human histories of these regions. The aim of this session is to build a global perspective based on local narratives by integrating historical, archaeological and environmental research. In this session, we invite researchers to contribute to explore the environmental and human fingerprints during the period in which Rome was a Mediterranean power (200 BC -AD 500) in Roman ruled areas and their vicinities, as well as discuss together its legacy.
This Regular session is designed to transcend (mono)disciplinary studies to reach an integrative vision with examples from Roman-ruled areas. We welcome multidisciplinary approaches that encourage the comparison between historical sources, classical archaeology and environmental archaeology, including bioarchaeology and geoarchaeology approaches to build an integrative story of the human-environmental interactions during Roman times.
The type of questions this session will address are: do historical texts, (bio)archaeological data and environmental findings share a common narrative? How can a fruitful dialogue between different disciplines be established? The contributions will consider the following topics or others that fall within the scope of the session:
• Migrations (human and animal)
• Health state along time and pestilences
• Agriculture, livestock strategies and their impacts (e.g., new crops, staples, palaeodiet, pastoralism, erosion, deforestation)
• Mining, metallurgy and their impacts (e.g., deforestation, pollution)
• Impacts of social transformations on landscape and economy
• Landscape, environmental and climate change
• Regional comparisons: Atlantic vs. Mediterranean; Western vs. Eastern Roman Empire; North vs. South
Roman-ruled areas, Multidisciplinary approaches, History, Environmental Archaeology, Impacts on the landscape, Climate Change
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Noemí Silva-Sánchez (Spain) 1,2
Olalla López-Costas (Spain) 3
Samantha Jones (United Kingdom) 4
Pedro López Barja de Quiroga (Spain) 5
Tim Mighall (United Kingdom) 4
1. Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit). CSIC (Spain)
2. EcoPast Research Group (GI-1553). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
3. EcoPast Research Group (GI-1553), Area of Archaeology, Dpto of History. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
4. School of Geosciences. University of Aberdeen. (United Kingdom)
5. Síncrisis Research Group (GI-1919), Univ. of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)