Session: #480

Theme & Session Format

6. Material culture studies and societies
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

How Much Shape Matters? Approaches in Pottery Studies
Some pottery forms have a typology that allows them to be inferred in specific functionalities. Evidently, these first approaches, widely studied by researchers, have been complemented with petrographic and organic residues studies to validate their possible uses and functions. In this session, however, it is proposed to start from the variable shape to limit, as far as possible, these uses, validating and expanding these typologies. Topics such as individualized morphology, profile, typology, and quantitative and qualitative data would be discussed. In this sense, those vessels with singular shapes beyond the anthropomorphic or zoomorphic type will be analyzed.
To understand the role that this variable (shape) plays in the archaeological record, the inclusion of other materials (lithic, bones, wood) and types of support is considered where the form has also been the basic element of study.
Chronologically this research aims to address the early Neolithic and Bronze Age in Europe and the Near East assemblages.
Pottery, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Europe, Near East
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Main organiser:
Anna Gomez Bach (Spain) 1
Miquel Molist (Spain) 1
Sergio Taranto (Italy) 2
Rana Ozbal (Turkey) 3
1. Autonomous University of Barcelona
2. Sapienza University
3. Kos University