Session: #291

Theme & Session Format

2. [Re]integration
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Interaction in Neolitization, Neolitization as Interaction. Archaeological Data and Analytical Procedures for Defining Interaction Contexts [PaM]
Taking Europe as an example, the spread of agriculture and husbandry has been defined as a mixed model that involves demic diffusion and local interaction in a general eastern/western gradient. Recent results provided by ancient DNA reinforce this approach, previously highlighted by diverse theoretical models considering the archaeological record. The demographic success triggered by the new way of life would be in the basis of the fast expansion around some areas. Nevertheless, the rate and, consequently, the Neolithic time of arrival depends on several factors including geographic and environmental conditions in regards with the requirements of crops and stockbreeding, the social mechanisms of the spread and the networks developed, and the presence and density of local hunter-gatherers. Thus, a patched mosaic of situations, considering time and space is currently visible in the archaeological record.

From a broader perspective, the focus of this session is on interaction contexts involving potential contacts between Mesolithic last hunter-gatherers and Neolithic newcomers and, therefore, it welcomes proposals where this situation is present worldwide. Specifically, we want to open a new window in this changing world considering several analytical procedures and conceptualizations from taphonomy, chronological modelling, mathematical and computational approaches and the analysis of patterns in cultural variability. Papers from specific archaeological contexts and/or macroscale frameworks will also be welcome. Ultimately, the goal is to bring a new scenario to discuss potential interaction contexts considering novelties in archaeological data and analytical development.
Mesolithic, Neolithic, Interaction, Demography, Cultural transmission
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Alfredo Cortell-Nicolau (United Kingdom) 1
Íñigo García Martínez de Lagran (Spain) 2
Oreto García-Puchol (Spain) 3
1. University of Cambridge
2. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
3. Universitat de València