Session: #32

Theme & Session Format

2. [Re]integration
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Skyscape, Landscape and Archaeology. Study of Ancient Buildings from Different Perspectives and Disciplines to Give Them a Cultural Meaning [SEAC-EAA]
This session follows from the sessions presented in EAA 2020 and EAA 2021 and is the introduction and first year of the EAA-SEAC community. Our objectives are the same as those of the community of ethno and Archaeo astronomers. We intend to continue adding presentations, papers, and publications on the topics that guide our community of archaeological studies.
One of the aspects of the relationship between archaeology and cultural astronomy has been the interconnection between heavenly bodies and humans. The orientation of architectural structures at archaeological sites has been one of the most often recorded classes of evidence informing us about possible celestial relationships. By studying the stars alignments with ancient constructions, we can learn about past human societies relationships with the celestial bodies and the phenomena. Understanding orientations is just one way to relate the human experience to the celestial landscape. From our point of view, places with cosmic connections could have generated new assemblages (term borrowed from Gilles Deleuze and Feliz Guattari) of objects, human and non-human, revealing sets of practices and materialities situated in time. We propose to study landscapes from different perspectives and to give them a cultural and ontological meaning.
Therefore, some of the issues that the papers in this session should address with the above criteria are: is it possible to understand how people lived in their environment by observing and studying the landscape with the sky or any other aspect of an archaeological site? How do technology and new techniques allow us to understand the known data? What is the ontological relationship between people and their environment? How can the construction of ancient buildings be understood from a skyscape or landscape point of view? The object of the session is to perform an archaeological study with multidisciplinary contributions. To get our aims, we complete archaeological data with those from other sciences.
Skyscape, SEAC, Landscape, Astronomy, Ontology, Etnography
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:
EAA SEAC community


Main organiser:
Jose Balbi (Argentina) 1
Stanislaw Iwaniszewski (Poland) 2
Hans Martz de la Vega (Mexico) 3
1. Colchester Archaeological Group
2. State Museum of Archaeology, Warsow
3. Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia