Session: #355

Theme & Session Format

1. Archaeologists and Archaeology Here and Now
Session format:
Discussion session (with formal abstracts)

Title & Content

Re-visiting the Global/Local Continuum in Archaeological Heritage Practice: Contrasting Histories, Perspectives, and Experiences within and beyond Europe
Worldwide, communities at the frontier of global resource extraction experience issues affecting their cultural and natural reservoirs of knowledge, memory, and lifeways. Despite their highly variable experiences, they share a preoccupation with the eroding power of global flows of capital—particularly as it often presents itself as a road to development and a better future—and a pressing need for alternative pathways towards sustainable futures. New global and continent-wide programs (e.g. UNESCO SD goals; Horizon Europe 2021-24) promote myriad initiatives, foreground the need for multilateral collaboration, and stress European-based research’s role both inside and beyond its borders. Global agendas mobilise cultural, educational, social, and political capital under the banner of sustainable development through multiple pathways, often converging on cultural heritage as a vortex of action. Yet what ‘sustainability’ means in relation to locally meaningful cultural landscapes should be explored rather than a priori assumed.
Transnational flows of capital, resources, and discourses require matching transnational research efforts that are also able to establish fruitful dialogues across disciplinary and geographical borders. Taking the global-local in heritage research and practice as a continuum rather than as a dichotomy, this session seeks to explore the distinct processes, practices, discourses and materialities that each of these realms involve, as well as their overlapping, intersecting, contradictory and/or mutually re-enforcing dynamics with dedicated and detailed attention.
The session invites papers with a critical stance towards archaeology’s possibilities, responsibilities, and shortcomings when supporting communities’ heritage practice to envision and develop inclusive futures. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following: community/indigenous heritage and resource extraction; ex-mining regions facing waning investment while coping with the ecological aftermath of extraction; post-conflict regions seeking global tourism markets amidst cultural and ecological devastation legacies; mobile/transient/diasporic heritages. Papers with a global and/or European focus are welcomed.
archaeological heritage, communities, sustainability, global-local, resources, landscapes
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Marisa Lazzari (United Kingdom) 1
Ian Lilley (Netherlands) 2,3
Francesco Orlandi Barbano (United Kingdom) 1
1. Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter
2. Faculteit Archeologie, University of Leiden
3. School of Social Science, University of Queensland in Australia,