Session: #358

Theme & Session Format

5. Climate Change and Socioenvironmental Perspectives
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Can You See Me? Putting the 'Human' Back into 'Human-Plant Interactions’ [ARCHWILD]
Environmental archaeology has undergone significant development and consolidation in recent decades, integrating a growing variety of proxies. Our knowledge about past landscapes and plant exploitation has greatly expanded. It is time now to go further and reintegrate humans as research subjects in archaeological and archaeobotanical studies of human-environment or human-plant interactions. Archaeological discussions generally acknowledge the traces left by humans on the landscape, and their botanical knowledge, skills, and technological know-how – but the agency of individuals and communities is often poorly integrated in these narratives. Although we acknowledge the difficulties inherent in this approach when studying plant remains from the archaeological record, it is crucial at this point to reflect on the human dimension of people-plant interactions. In this sense, the main aim of this session is to present works that combine studies of plant exploitation with more human perspectives, in order to open a discussion on the possibilities and limitations of this approach and explore the current state of the art. We welcome contributions on practical and theoretical approaches from archaeobotany, anthropology, ethnoarchaeology and experimental archaeology dealing with this topic.
Environmental Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Plants, Landscapes, Human agency
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:
Community of Research on Wild Plant Resources (ARCHWILD)


Main organiser:
Maria Martin Seijo (Spain) 1
Dawn Elise Mooney (Norway) 2
Marian Berihuete Azorín (Spain) 3
María Laura Ciampagna (Argentina) 4
1. Universidad de Cantabria
2. University of Stavanger
3. IPHES-Catalan Institute for Human Palaeoecology and Social Evolution
4. CONICET-Universidad Nacional de la Plata