Session: #342

Theme & Session Format

5. (Extreme) Environments – Islands, Coasts, Margins, Centres
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

CANCELLED Foreign and Local: Using Animals as Recourses in Coastal Environments
Coastal environments provide an abundance of different resources, especially of animal origin. Animals - fish, birds, sea mammals, invertebrates and terrestrial species - shaped the coast into a specific and coveted space which communities interacted with. The coastal environment is not a static one, but changes with seasons, time of day, as well as being subjected to rapid changes in weather and climate. This influences the adaptivity of both human communities and the species occupying the environment. Seasonality of certain species depending on migratory periods affected the cycles of the resource procurement and also the processing and distribution of both animals and animal products.
This session explores the relationship between human communities and the sea, and more specifically the animal resources that could be retrieved from it. Of particular interest is how animals were exploited in the coastal environments and how osseous materials can give insights into the trade or exchange of certain animal species or parts of animal bodies. In other cases, the local resources, however plentiful, were not used by the communities. The latter could be just as interesting. Which animal species are considered valuable, and which are not?
We encourage contributions linked to interdisciplinary studies on how animal materials were processed in coastal communities from prehistory to the early modern period.
coastal archaeology, animals, trade, local recourses, interdisciplinary
Session associated with MERC:
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Session associated with SAfA:
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Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Hanna Kivikero (Finland) 1
Emma Maltin (Sweden) 2
Aija Macane (Finland) 1
1. University of Helsinki
2. Stockholm University