Session: #376

Theme & Session Format

1. Artefacts, Buildings & Ecofacts
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Fragmented Metalwork in Hoards and Other Deposits - Regional and Temporal Variations in the European Bronze Age
Deliberate hoarding and deposition of metalwork was a widespread practice throughout the European Bronze Age. In numerous regions these assemblages did not only contain intact objects but also broken objects, incomplete bits and pieces.

Traditionally, fragments in hoards were assumed to be commodified raw material for recycling or trade. Explanations for this phenomenon have become more diverse and complex over the last decades. Now, interpretations also evoke ideas about making hoards-within-the-hoard, pars pro toto symbolism, ritual damage, fragments as keepsakes or forms of social enchainment, heirlooms and memorabilia etc. Furthermore, the analyses of their role in possible weight economies and their importance as means of transactions have developed. The last decades of studies have also shown that these hypotheses have varying applicability in different times and regions. Despite overarching similarities, there are temporal and regional variations as to how and why bronzes were broken in Bronze Age communities.

The aim of this session is to discuss similarities and differences in the phenomena of fragmented metalwork in hoards. We invite contributions dealing with different times and regions of the European Bronze Age, as well as adjacent periods (Chalcolithic, Early Iron Age) and neighbouring regions featuring this practice. Studies might concern various scales; from the individual deposit, local expressions, regional synthesis or inter-regional comparisons. Relevant issues might be (but are not limited to) the relation between fragmented and complete artefacts, selection of objects for fragmentation, metrology and ‘hack bronze’, methods for breakage, inter-depositional relations etc. The intention is to contribute to an overview of studies currently working on this theme, and to start the formation of a European research network.
Bronze Age, depositions, hoarding, metalwork, fragmentation
Session associated with MERC:
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Session associated with SAfA:
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Main organiser:
Anna Sörman (France) 1,2
Francis Bordas (France) 3
Matthew Knight (United Kingdom) 4
Marilou Nordez (France) 5,6
1. Nantes University - LARA/UMR 6566 CReAAH
2. Stockholm University - Dept. of Archaeology and Classical Studies
3. University Toulouse Jean Jaurès - UMR 5608 TRACES
4. National Museums Scotland
5. CReAAH laboratory (UMR 6566, Rennes)
6. TRACES laboratory (UMR 5608, Toulouse)