Session: #515

Theme & Session Format

4. People of the Present – Peopling the Past
Session format:
Discussion session (with formal abstracts)

Title & Content

Decolonising Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Archaeology: Reframing Practices, Values, and Perspectives [PaM]
Archaeological practice is grounded in Western values, perspectives and practices. Communities historically labelled as hunter-gatherers have been, and still are, used as models for prehistoric know-how and organisation. Evidence of their material culture has been taken into (mostly Western) Museums and used for comparisons with archaeological material. This way analogies were made between societies with very different histories, including their immaterial behaviours and structures. These analogies often resulted in notions of evolutionary primacy, increasing racist pictures of non-Western societies as well as of the past. As non-Western individuals, perspectives, skills and contributions are still habitually understated and under-acknowledged in scientific and academic contexts, there is a need for more diversity in the scientific community to confront these racist pictures and acquire a more holistic understanding of the past.

Following a vote by our members, we propose to use the annual Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (PaM) Community discussion session at EAA2023 to facilitate a platform for case studies and conversations on ‘where next’ for decolonising archaeology of the ‘Stone Age’ (broadly construed). We seek contributions, and will welcome a wide range of formats (including but not limited to traditional presentations, case studies, interviews, film etc) covering a range of geographical, temporal, and social contexts on
- reburials
- repatriation of cultural objects and spaces
- reframing scientific projects and results
- community involvement
- decolonising the curriculum
- specific examples and suggestions to improve the diversity and inclusivity of archaeological research

In particular, we invite contributions that centre the experiences of Indigenous students and scholars from under-represented communities and countries.

A key aim of this session is to listen, and to offer an inclusive and multidisciplinary space which amplifies under-represented voices, with the aim of a polyphonic story of our deeper pasts.
Palaeolithic and Mesolithic, Decolonising human origins, Stone Age Archaeology
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:


Main organiser:
Annemieke Milks (United Kingdom) 1
Sonja Grimm (Germany) 2
1. University of Reading, Department of Archaeology
2. ZBSA - Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology