Session: #1060

Theme & Session Format

4. Persisting with Change: Theory and Archaeological Scrutiny
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Feminist Perspectives on Social Archaeology. AGE Session In Memoriam Liv Helga Dommasnes
Archaeology provides important tools to study past societies. Past people from all parts of societies left behind material remains. Archaeology can therefore shed light on the living conditions of marginalized groups. This has been one of the main topics in feminist archaeology from the very beginning. But feminist archaeology does not only explore the past; it also considers present-day societies regarding the relationship between archaeological discourse and contemporary cultural logics, the role of archaeology for the general public, or the rationale and working conditions within archaeological institutions.
This session, sponsored by the Archaeology and Gender in Europe (AGE) network, will acknowledge and celebrate the pioneering and fundamental investigations that Professor Liv Helga Dommasnes (1949-2023) contributed to feminist archaeology and archaeology in general through discussion of: a) feminist perspectives on social archaeology, and b) feminist archaeology for an equitable future.
Contributions dealing with current concerns in feminist archaeology will be welcome, encompassing, but not limited to, the following topics:
Feminist analytical frameworks, concepts and interpretations of social dynamics
The development of feminist analyses of archaeological discourse
Re-conceptualization of the past and its communication to the general public
Decolonial/de-patriarchal perspectives
Feminism and archaeological institutions
Networking and collaborative work in feminist archaeology
Feminist archaeology and queer archaeology: marriage or divorce?
Feminist archaeology for a non-patriarchal present and future
Non-Western feminist perspectives and their relevance for archaeology
The future of feminist archaeology: where are we going now?
Feminist Archaeology, Gender Archaeology, Queer Archaeology, Social Archaeology, Archaeological Discourse, Archaeology and Society
Session associated with MERC:
Session associated with CIfA:
Session associated with SAfA:
Session associated with CAA:
Session associated with DGUF:
Session associated with other:
AGE-Archaeology and Gender in Europe


Main organiser:
Sandra Monton-Subias (Spain) 1,2
Jana Esther Fries (Germany) 3
Nona Palincaș (Romania) 4
Nancy Wicker (United States) 5
Doris Doris Gutsmiedl-Schümann (Germany) 6
2. Pompeu Fabra University
3. Lower Saxony State Institute for Cultural Heritage
4. Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy
5. The University of Mississippi, Department of Art & Art History
6. University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Historical Institute