Session: #85

Theme & Session Format

4. Persisting with Change: Theory and Archaeological Scrutiny
Session format:
Regular session

Title & Content

Trade Hub? Safe Haven? Ritual Centre? The Role of Ditch Systems and Central Sites in the Neolithic
The Neolithic is traditionally considered a period of little social differentiation and a rather flat hierarchical structure. In possible contrast, e.g., the Linear Pottery (LBK) dwelling landscape displays a distinct variety of settlement types, some of which sport earthen enclosures. Due to their size, their long-time use, exceptional finds and imports, they are frequently assessed as sites of central significance. Although enclosures generally seem to be a rather late feature on many LBK-sites, they are thought to be key to identifying “central settlements” and surrounding dwelling clusters. The first appearance of an enclosure within an existing settlement network might reflect a change in social behaviour and/or group interaction.
They are also relevant for ongoing discussions about a possible “crisis situation” at the end of the LBK, not least in the context of numerous human remains found in ditch systems, e.g., in Schletz (Austria) and Vráble (Slovakia). The purpose of such ditches as well as the interpretation of human remains recovered from these structures may vary from one site to another and seems to be manifold.
In our session, we want to take a closer look at potential Neolithic central sites and their hinterland with a focus on enclosures, which have been described as fortifications, as “a manifest sign of social identity”, as trading places, burial grounds or ritual sites. We welcome contributions discussing various aspects that might shed light on the purpose and role of enclosed Neolithic sites (e.g., their architecture, development and function; the persons, communities and practices involved in the history of such sites; the geographic or diachronic situation contextualising – perhaps explaining – sites with enclosures). Although our focus is set to the Early Neolithic, we also encourage contributions from other Neolithic periods or ethnoarchaeological contexts, presenting comparative evidences and interpretations.
Neolithic, Linear Pottery Culture (LBK), Central sites, Ditches, Human remains, Crisis situation?
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Main organiser:
Jakob Maurer (Austria) 1
Zuzana Hukelova (Slovakia) 2
Maria Wunderlich (Germany) 3
Alena Bistáková (Slovakia) 2
1. University for Continuing Education Krems
2. Institute of Archaeology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
3. Kiel University