EAA 2022: Abstract

This abstracts is part of session #213:
Abstract book ISBN:

Title & Content

Stable Isotopes Studies in Sicilian Phoenician and Punic Settlements
The study of the dynamics and ecology of ancient populations in the central Mediterranean is a current topic in archaeological research. On the basis of several indicators, it is possible to record a significant increase in mobility and human interactions from enterprises beyond the sea of Carthage, around the 8th-7th centuries BCE, or at the latest the 6th century BCE according to traditional literature. When the colonial settlements in the central Mediterranean were established, such as in Sicily, they show an increasing influence of the Carthaginian cultural and urban model. Such phenomena of mixing probably continued even after the middle of the 3rd century BC, until the Roman conquest. This period was characterized by profound changes in the economic, demographic, and social patterns of the city in central-western Sicily, which probably influenced the ecological habits of its inhabitants. In this context, stable isotope studies are a major impetus for discussion.
In this paper, we present a project of the study of C and N stable isotopes in a representative osteoarchaeological sample of human and faunal remains selected from some of the main Phoenician and Punic, and partly Roman, necropolises in western Sicily, namely Solunto, Palermo and Lilybaeum.
This research assesses homologies and differences in ecological and dietary behavior.
Stable Isotopes, Sicily, Phoenician and Punic Settlements
Oral presentation


Main authors:
Francesca Meli1,2
Cecilia Tramati6
Caterina Greco3
Maria Grazia Griffo4
Carla Nero5
Claudia Fiorentino2
Salvatrice Vizzini6
Luca Sineo2
1 Dept.Cultural Heritage-University of Palermo
2 LabHomo- Anthropology Laboratory of Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies-University of Palermo
3 Museo Archeologico Regionale "Antonino Salinas"
4 Museo Archeologico Regionale Lilibeo di Marsala
5 Soprintendenza Beni Culturali Palermo
6 Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory of the Department of Earth and Marine Sciences-University of Palermo