EAA 2023: Abstract

This abstracts is part of session #237:
Abstract book ISBN:

Title & Content

Vessels on the floor - Pottery in the construction of the household
Pottery containers, vessels, like any other object of our daily life, apart from their primary function, can bring together different uses.
The pottery vessels are the result of different transformations, related to the activities carried out within a community. The vessels are objects, exposed to a core of practices with different social and technical meanings, according to individual and/or collective actions, in a time and space of a complex social/physical and economic mosaic.
Given the variety of concepts to which the pottery object is exposed, we will, almost always, find it in the foundation and organization of the domestic unit, the household, i.e., an event - of and in - the construction of the domestic, physical and social space/sphere, an architecture and part of the architecture.
On the southern hill of Castelo do Sabugal (Sabugal, Guarda), Beira Interior of Portugal, the identification of an Iron Age hut, composed with a calcined clay floor, became the starting point to this approche.
Under the clay floor, several pottery fragments were collected, belonging to divers containers (vessels) and, in this context, associated with the foundation levels and regularization of the circulation floor in the interior of the hut.
Any object is the skeleton, around which a scenario is organized, a way of non-verbal communication. In this way, we propose to understand the different meanings/uses of pottery fragments identified in this archaeological context – we intend to analyze the vessels, socially produced and socially used, in their life cycle, containers of practices/actions/forms and uses, up to the last function, under the flooring.
Pottery containers, Iron age, Household, Hut, Floor
Oral presentation


Main authors:
Inês Soares1,2,3
2 FCT — Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal)
3 University of Coimbra