EAA 2023: Abstract

This abstracts is part of session #237:
Abstract book ISBN:

Title & Content

Chronological trends in pottery use from the Neolithic to the Iron Age in Saxony (Germany) using lipid residue analyses
The analysis of lipids preserved in the clay pores of archaeological pottery is a powerful method for investigating pottery function and past diet. The use of state-of-the-art analytical methods, including chromatographic, spectrometric and isotopic methods, allows for the identification and characterisation of terrestrial and aquatic animal fats, plant oils and waxes, that arise from the cooking of animal and plant products in ceramic vessels.

Here we investigate > 340 pottery fragments from 6 archaeological sites across Saxony spanning around four millennia of occupation, from the Early Neolithic (Linearbandkeramik) until the Iron Age. Using lipid analyses of pottery sherds, we explore diachronic change in pottery use, subsistence practices, herding strategies and freshwater resource exploitation. In particular, lipids provide unique insight into the exploitation of wild and domesticated resources in the region, where faunal remains are usually ill-preserved. This study provides a stepping stone in the construction of regional climate records using hydrogen isotopic analyses from animal fats extracted from pottery and the direct 14C dating of pottery lipids.
Organic residue analysis, Prehistory, Animal fats, Fish, Milk, Dairy products
Oral presentation


Main authors:
Melanie Roffet-Salque2
Isabel Wiltshire2
Charlie Maule2
Iman Abdelgani2
Matthias Conrad1
Matthias Halle1
Saskia Kretschmer1
Germo Schmalfuß1
Sabine Wolfram3
Harald Stäuble1
1 Landesamt für Archaeologie, Dresden, Germany
2 Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
3 Staatliches Museum für Archäologie, Chemnitz, Germany