EAA 2023: Abstract

This abstracts is part of session #307:
Abstract book ISBN:

Title & Content

Developer-led medieval archaeology and research in Norway
NIKU (Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research) has the public mandate to conduct developer-led archaeological excavations in Norway's medieval towns as well as in medieval church sites and burial grounds. The excavations are always funded by "the polluter", and the budgets are set by the ministry. The budget model includes the excavation and on-site documentation, cataloguing and conservation of finds as well as the production of the archaeological report. There is no funding for academic publication within these budgets. In this paper I will first present the mechanisms by which NIKU see to that our work is carried through in line with current research questions and in dialogue with the research community. Then I will outline how our results are fed into the Norwegian archaeological research infrastructure. Thirdly I will outline the institute's own research opportunities and priorities. I will conclude by pointing to ways that our national practices and cooperation might be improved.
Developer-led archaeology, Medieval archaeology, Archaeological research infrastructure, Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research
Oral presentation


Main authors:
Kristin Bakken1