EAA 2023: Session #607

Title & Content

Linking Databases for Comparing Research: Show Your Fortification Information System [COMFORT]
The proliferation of web-based geographic interfaces for the investigation of archaeological phenomena naturally leads to the conclusion that super-regional perspectives can now be assembled for numerous archaeological phenomena. Hillforts or fortifications are one of the clearest examples of this trend with many regional and national scale compilations being made available. The focus of these databases varies from heritage management catalogues to curated academic and scientific collections and touristic information. At a round table organized at the EAA’s annual meeting in Budapest 2022 we sought to discuss the possibilities for a pan-European database, metadatabase or unified access point, in terms of both theory and practicality; as well as how such a system might be used to shape future research.
In this session now we would like to get to know your database, collection, GIS, or other catalogued data on fortifications. Which technology are you using? Which information is considered and how are the data structured? What reasons lead you to your decisions? How is your database embedded in scientific workflows and in institutional architectures? Do you think it might be amendable for use in a European-wide system? Which challenges are you facing?
The session aims to connect specialists and interested scholars who use and moderate hillfort- or fortification-specific databases. Presenters are requested to give a general overview of their system and data and elaborate more detailed on the structure the data is processed in.
Hillfort, fortification, database, Europe, comparative research
Regular session


Main organisers:
Anna Loy2
Timo Ibsen1
Loup Bernard3,4
Oliver Nakoinz2
1 Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology (ZBSA)
2 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU)
3 CNRS UMR7044
4 Université de Strasbourg


Abstract book ISBN:
These abstracts are part of this session: