EAA 2023: Abstract

This abstracts is part of session #677:
Abstract book ISBN:

Title & Content

The chronology and social strata in the light of recent study of burrow K8 in Nowy Chorów, Pomerania
Early medieval burial sites of “Orzeszkowo” type are characteristic exclusively to Pomeranian area in Poland and its hallmarks are burrows with square shaped base including various stone constructions. They usually contain inhumation as well as cremation graves. The last research of the “Orzeszkowo” type site was conducted in Żydowo between 1967 and 1968 and chronology of the site was based solely on relative dating methods.
Our project is based on 2022 excavations of a site in Nowy Chorów, Słupsk county, and is focused on graves from a burrow K8.
In this paper I will present results of radiocarbon calibrations dating and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen method. Using collagen from five inhumation graves we were able to determine an absolute chronology of the burials and correlation between inhumation and cremation burials. Results of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen levels gave us access to information about diet of people buried on the site, possibly giving an insight into the status and hierarchy of the early medieval population in the area.
Orzeszkowo type cemetery, radiocarbon dating, stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen method, Pomerania
Oral presentation


Main authors:
Ilona Nowosadzka1
1 University of Warsaw, Poland