EAA2022: Abstract

Abstract is part of session #371:

Title & Content

Childhood of the Avars and Gepids: Reconstructing diet and weaning practices using Stable Isotopic Analysis and Multiple Tissues
This presentation explores the breastfeeding, weaning and overall dietary practices in non-adults of Avar and Gepidic period populations in the Great Hungarian Plain during the Migration Period (5th-8th century). This research investigated hypothesis that breastfeeding and weaning practices (BWPs) differed between Avar and Gepid populations due variation in overall subsistence practices and general cultural practices. Bone collagen samples from 131 individuals (60 non-adults) from five sites (Berettyóújfalu, Tiszapüspöki, Tiszabura, Rákóczifalva sites 8 and 8/A), were analyzed for nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes. Collagen samples from non-adults were assessed using a Bayesian model called WARN. First permanent molars were also samples from 37 (16 adults, 21 non-adults) individuals across the five sites with tooth dentine incrementally sampled to analyze for nitrogen and carbon isotopic values. No significant differences in isotopic values from bulk collagen analysis was found between adults and non-adults at each of the sites analyzed, apart from breastfeeding or weaning non-adults. BWPs patterns drawn from the stable isotope data and the WARN program revealed no specific similarities between sites or populations. Incremental sampling of the first molars also suggests no specific patterns of BWPs within populations, as each site analyzed revealed different BWPs.
With no clear BWPs within the populations and a generally similar diet, it is suggested through the lens of life course theory that cultural practices, generational cohort differences and agency are responsible for variations in BWPs within the sites and populations. Additionally, the dietary practices found in non-adults paired with other archaeological evidence offer indications of the roles non-adults played in Avar and Gepid society.
bioarchaeology, breastfeeding and weaning, stable isotopic analysis, Migration Period, Childhood


Main authors:
Kirsten A. Verostick1
Tamás Hajdu2
Tamás Szeniczey2
Zoltán Farkas3
János Dani4
Zsolt Bernert5
Zsófia Masek6
Péter F Kovács7
Krisztina Hoppál8
Zsòfia Rácz6
1 Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
2 Department of Biological Anthropology, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
3 Salisbury Ltd., Budaörs, Hungary
4 Déri Museum, Debrecen, Hungary
5 Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary
6 Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
7 Department of Archaeology, Damjanich János Museum, Szolnok, Hungary
8 MTA-ELTE-SZTE Silk Road Research Group, Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Budapest, Hungary